Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Commercials on BET

So my husband and I were flipping channels and she stopped on BET. Commercials were going on and he was about to change the channel and I asked him to stop. I have been paying attention to commercials lately and what commercials come on during what television shows.
Well during this commercial block I saw a Target, Ford Focus and Tide commercials along with previews for BET television show. What I did notice was the Target commercial featured Iman, Debbie Allen, and John Legend all of who are African Americans. I really enjoyed the commercial because this commercial was unlike all the other target commercials that are cheesy and play the song Hello Goodbuys. This commercial was about dreams, the focus was dream in color.
Now for the Ford Focus commercial there were three minority females in the car and the car was equipped with the sync feature and the African American female asked the feature to play Chris Brown. All three females began to dance in the car once Chris Brown came on.
The tide commercial featured a young African American male who just put on a clean white t-shirt, baggy pants and nice new white shoes. He walks into the kitchen where his little brother is eating pizza and he grabs a slice. Well the pizza dripped and he jumped back quick so the sauce did not get on his shoes but it did land on his shirt. The narrator of the commercial said sometime about Chicago pizza. Well the boy used Tide to get the stain out.
I chose to talk about the commercials I saw on BET because I personally have never seen any of these commercials before and I don’t know if it’s just because I don’t watch a whole lot of television or if it is because they have more air time on BET. But I did notice that I have seen different version of these commercials on other stations. This just helped me really realize that different commercials come on during different programs.

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