Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Will and Grace

I did not start watching Will and Grace until the show's reruns started to air on Lifetime. This television show is about a gay male and his female best friend who are also roommates. To me this is stereotypical because the media also makes the gay male have a female for his best friend. The one thing I can say is on the show there are two males who are gay and the writers did make them different but gave them both a female best friend.
Will is a lawyer who is always longing for a relationship and finally finds that special one for him. Then there is Jack, his character is very stereotyped. He is the flamboyant one on the cast and his best friend Karen is the one with money who in a way takes care of him. Karen has a husband who is never shown but is widely talked about. She also has a Hispanic maid named Rosario. It seems that Rosario is the typical type cast maid. In most television shows the maid or nanny is usually cast by a Hispanic female. Another fact about Rosario is not only is she Hispanic but her character was illegal until she married Jack.
Even though I do view this television show as a breakthrough comedy because the television show itself was on primetime for a few years and at the time this is the only show where two of the main characters were gay. I really did not look at this show in the same light as I do now, but the characters are all pretty much type cast to me. This does not mean in anyway though that is not a good mix for a good television, and don't get me wrong I like this show and think it is pretty funny.

1 comment:

Communicator said...

Ok, now explain the relevance of this blog for me? Descriptions of the content are not going to be enough. We talked about media and social problems or the media effects etc...I am looking for you to examine your choices, not just definitions.